Central West Ballet Student Matinee Reservation


Please complete and submit the form below. The Arts Education Coordinator will follow up to confirm your ticket order and finalize payment within two business days.

3/13/2025 9:58:01 AM
Performance and Pricing Information
Please select your performance below, fill in the ticket quantity field (total number including all students, teachers, site admin and chaperones), then click the 'Add' button for total due.
Along with this reservation form, a Purchase order or a 10% deposit is required. Please indicate below which you'll be submitting
Teacher & Student Information
Please complete the following information for each class and grade level attending the performance.

If travelling by car or bus, please provide number of vehicles to help the theater gauge parking.

Please review the following terms before submitting your reservation request form.

  1. A Purchase Order or 10% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking. Seats are held but not confirmed until either is received.
  2. All sales are final 60 days prior to the performance date. After that time there are no refunds unless an event is cancelled and not rescheduled. If a school must cancel an order after such date they are responsible for payment of the full order.
  3. Reservations and deposits can be transferred between performances presented by the same organization within the same season pending availability.
  4. Final payment (unless a Purchase Order was previously received) must be received 30 days prior to the performance date. Failure to do so will result in the release of your seats and forfeiting of your deposit.
  5. Additional seats may be requested and added to a confirmed order pending availability. Credit will not be given for unused seats.
  6. Please leave all backpacks, cameras, cell phones, airpods and other headphones, food, drink, candy, gum and small toys at school or on the bus. BACKPACKS ARE NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE THEATERS. Students will be asked to remove their hoods and hats as they enter the building.
  7. Sign interpretation and audio description is available upon request. Interpreter requests and requests for other special accommodations need to be made at least 30 days prior to the event. To do so please call (209) 338-5020 or email mpatten@galloarts.org. Please note we cannot guarantee special accommodations if a request is submitted later than five (5) days before a performance.
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